Madewell Plastic chain necklaces are typically made up of tiny, interlocked plastic links. The tiny links are strung together to make long chains, which are then woven together to make intricate patterns or designs. These necklaces are designed for short-term wear only. This necklace is unique in that it does not have the usual tiny plastic links used in most chains. The picture shows a “chain” composed of discs strung together on an elastic cord. The reason this design is more practical than traditional plastic chains is that it’s easier to clean and doesn’t tangle as easily.
Additionally, the discs can be sanded down if they become rough after exposure to water or chemicals over time.
A standard chain, compared with a chain made from discs, has a limited lifespan because the plastic links become brittle and break as they are constantly manipulated by the wearer. In contrast, a chain made from discs is more durable – even after being handled roughly – because the individual pieces have been sanded down so that they aren’t jagged or sharp.
The discs can also be sanded down if their edges become rough after exposure to chemicals or water over prolonged periods of time. The sandpaper used should not contain any harmful substances, such as silica particles, which may cause harm to one’s health through inhalation.
As an additional property of this necklace, it is lightweight and strong. About 45 pounds pull on each link in this design before breaking. This could be useful to athletes who have a tendency to fracture their clavicles.
A standard chain, compared with a chain made from discs, has a limited lifespan because the plastic links become brittle and break as they are constantly manipulated by the wearer. In contrast, a chain made from discs is more durable – even after being handled roughly – because the individual pieces have been sanded down so that they aren’t jagged or sharp.
The discs can also be sanded down if their edges become rough after exposure to chemicals or water over prolonged periods of time. The sandpaper used should not contain any harmful substances, such as silica particles, which may cause harm to one’s health through inhalation.

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